Monday, June 14, 2010

I've lost my marbles!

Well, not really but I took a 'mental health day' from work, meaning that I wasn't sick and I wasn't pretending to be sick, just sick o' workin' =) Anyhow, I tried my first water marble and it came out awesome, I almost can't wait to do another one when I have a little more time!  Blah blah!

And there is VNL!!! horror of horrors, but not for me, I don't care at all! =P

I still need to work on clean up a little but not bad.

I was so pleased with these! I just put a base coat, used Seche Rebuild and then I randomly bullseyed ChG In Awe of Amber, SH Celeb City and SH Emerald City, next time I think I will put a base coat of a complimentary color or something and marble the stuff over it, I was just playing around but I had fun and finally my husband complimented my nails!


  1. That is one of the VERY prettiest marblings I have seen. Normally they can be so in yer face but this choice of colours is delightful.

  2. Ohh very pretty! I like how soft it is :) And next def use a base color for less of a VNL

  3. You know, I am not super bothered by VNL but I'd really like to see these colors with a little more 'oomph'!

  4. I loved, it is wonderful!
